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Meet Coach Jeryl Orsino

Certified Professional Coach | BS Exercise Physiology/ Corporate Fitness | Master Personal Trainer

As a certified Professional Coach and Master Personal Trainer, I specialize in helping individuals identify and achieve their personal goals through unique and specialized sessions. I partner with my clients to create a personalized plan to help to reach their full potential. I understand that life and career challenges are unique to each individual, and I strive to create a comfortable and safe environment for everyone I work with. With a deep understanding of lived experiences, trust, rapport, and vulnerability, the results can be increased self-awareness, and transformative growth is integral to any client's well-being. My experiences as a top collegiate athlete have reinforced traits such as resilience, determination, tenacity, and resolve. These traits and core values have been essential for my success as a competitive volleyball and softball player. As an accomplished musician, I have developed specific skills contribute to my entrepreneurial and leadership achievements. I became a better listener, analytical, dedicated, passionate, and disciplined in my craft. My willingness to invest time in building and honing my skills through practice and education has been the foundation of my musical achievements. In addition to my coaching experience, I have been a Master Personal Trainer for over 15 years and hold a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Physiology with a minor in Corporate Fitness. Growing up as the daughter of a professional baseball player (Dad) and licensed mental health counselor (Mom) has given me a unique perspective and understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced in family, romantic, and professional life. They have since passed and I am here as their legacy and to make them proud. my goal is to guide you through the experiences in life that scare us, excite us, confuse us, and make our lives an extraordinary experience that we can feel confident and satisfied living. A self-aware and healthy person solves problems through experimentation and figuring out plans that align with your core values. Establishing clear boundaries is an exercise and distance in which my clients can love themselves and others simultaneously. An open person also collaborates with other smart, positive, people to tap into their energy and wisdom to maximize opportunities for growth and abundance. A flexible person bends like a tree in the wind. A grateful person gratitude practices reflection and stillness, two things that can be difficult in our busy, overstimulated everyday lives. Learning the importance of letting go is also key to coping with setbacks through acceptance, which is a learnable skill for everyone.

Professional Athlete
Jeryl live at the hard rock cafe
mom psychologist
Coach Jeryl Reaching for goals
IPEC Certification

Let’s Work Together

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